About Me

Reaksmey Lim

Hello, there! My name is Reaksmey LIM. I am currently a senior student taking dual degrees in Information Technology Managment and Computer Science at American University of Phnom Penh and Fort Hays State University. I live in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. You might know my country by the great Angkor Wat temple, one of the most magnificent architectural productions ever built by mankind.

I used to work intensively on web development. I had my hands mostly on ReactJS and React Native. But now I am making my ways into data science and machine learning as I have strong background in mathematics.

Let's stay connected.

Date: 28 October 2018

About this webpage

This webpage is the project for my Network Architecture and Data Communications class at Fort Hays State University, taught by Mr. Kevin Shaffer. It is built for educational purpose. The content explains the types and the working of error control in The Data Link Layer (Layer Two in OSI Model).